Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Outsiders Through Music


S.E. Hinton makes a point of telling readers what type of music the characters listen to, probably because she recognized that music is a significant influence to teenagers. She reveals, through Ponyboy, that Greasers listen to Elvis Presley, the Socs listen to The Beatles, and the tougher Greasers listened to Hank Williams.

We are all attracted to music and musicians that we relate to; lyrics or sounds that speak to us and that we understand and connect to. If the Greasers or Socs were gangs of today, what kind of music would they listen to? Identify a song that you think either group would like and explain why you think they would like it. Consider to the music– the singers, musicians, and tempo of the song. Consider the artist’s appearance and style. Cite the lyrics, explaining how or why these words would connect to one of the gangs. What in the book makes you believe that these lyrics would be meaningful to them?

Remember that the point of this analysis is to answer the question of why this song would be on either a Greaser’s or a Soc’s playlist. What would he like about it?

Post your paragraph in the comments, and then read at least one other person’s paragraph and comment on it. You are welcome to read and comment on more than one person’s post. Remember your digital footprint– don’t post your full name.

What is satire?


Watch the following video and answer the questions that come up to help you understand what a satire is.

ED Puzzle log-on steps to follow after clicking picture link below.

1. Select “Student”

2. Click red “Sign in with Google”. Use your MbusdApps Google Account info.

3. Use the code: e76J0w to connect to my class and watch the video.

Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 3.26.01 PM


Animal Farm is a satire. Try to figure out in what ways it appears to be satirical. Write your explanation in the comments section.